Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Rough Night

I was going to do a nice 2 months/9 weeks post last night, but Ray San had other ideas. While we were there, I was holding him as usual. He decided to drop his heart rate (which he does due to his acid reflux), but he didn't bring it right back up like he normally does. It was a pretty scary moment. Then he was pretty unstable and kept dropping all his stats. They called the Nurse Practitioner over and she checked him out. She ordered a chest x-ray to make sure he didn't get some of his food into his lungs again. She also checked his caffeine level and discovered he was pretty low for his weight.

The chest x-ray was clear so they decided to just give him his extra dose of caffeine. Ray stopped in this morning and ever since they gave him his extra dose of caffeine, he's been fine. Let's keep our fingers crossed that was the issue.

I will hopefully be able to do a nice post with updated pictures tonight. Last night was just too rough and I was wiped out.

A good note is Ray San is up to 1720 grams (3 lbs. 12.6 oz).

1 comment:

Denise Opsahl said...

Sorry to hear you had a rough night :( I hope that the caffeine was the problem.

I can't believe he's getting so big! I still want to come see him soon...when are you usually there?

Thanks for Reading!