Sunday, August 24, 2008

Shhh... Not Too Loud

Today was a good day though. Ray San's weight was back up to 1110 grams (2lbs. 7.4oz.), but was down a little from the night before where he was 1145 grams (2lbs. 8.4oz.).

He's still on CPAP and we have reached the 72 hour mark. I was a little worried yesterday because he was having a lot of episodes of not breathing. I thought they were going to have to put him back on the vent, but they give him a little more caffeine and he was perfect. They tested his caffeine numbers and it was 13. Apparently Ray San likes to be at a 15. He was doing awesome today.

In other good news, his PICC line is going to come out. I guess that means they don't think he is going to need any more transfusions or supplemental food or antibiotics or anything that needs to be done in an IV. If something comes up, they are going to have to prick him from now on. He will have one less line now =]

Here's some more of our CPAP cutie. Look at how he loves to stretch out his little legs.
In other news, the nursery is under construction.
Plain white walls

Finished blue walls

There is still going to be crown moulding along the top and the trim on the bottom. Also, the wall on the left is going to have stripes. So excited for the finished product.

Do.n't for.get to cl.ick the li.nks to the ri.ght of our Th.anks.


Jody said...

Yay for staying on CPAP and getting ridd of the PICC line! I love the color blue you chose, it is lovely.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see how you'll decorate the baby's room! We want to see Ray San again soon! He's doing so amazingly well -- we're proud!

Thanks for Reading!